
Interior Paint

March 12,2021

Best Colors to Paint Your Interiors - Spring 2021


If you are thinking about what colors to use when repainting your walls, we have some suggestions. There’s always a more interesting color to use than white, off-white or beige. We understand that it can be hard to decide what colors to use. So we did some research and came up with a list to share with you.

Jewel Tones

Jewel tones will reportedly be huge this season. What exactly are jewel tones? Good question. It turns out they are colors that are derived from gemstones such as Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald. So that would be deep reds, blues, and greens that look spectacular under bright light.

Natural Colors

Nature has always provided a rich variety of colors. For Spring these will usually be pinks and yellows and pastels, but this year try something new. Natural colors can calm people down and make them feel safe and secure.

brown walls


Rich browns are predicted to be everywhere in furniture and decor this season. Browns can create a cozy warm feeling and they fit right in with the earthy tones that are also predicted to be popular this Spring.

Earth Tones

Earth tones are predicted to be popular this season due to the fact that so many of us have been isolated for so long indoors and there is a pent-up demand for getting out into nature. If you can’t get outside, then maybe you can bring a little bit of the outside indoors. Warm and inviting colors can replicate that feeling of being out in nature.

Seafoam green

Seafoam Green

This one is similar to pastel, but not quite. It’s a soft gentle shade of green that may remind you of a trip to the oceanfront.

leafy green bedroom

Leafy Green 

As with the earth tones above, leafy greens are expected to remain popular as they duplicate the feel of being outdoors. If you can’t go outside and frolic among the trees, try bringing some of that color into your home. The change can be dramatic.

Moody Colors

Darker colors contrasted with lighter colors in an adjacent room or hallway can provide depth and intrigue. It also very clearly defines each space as being quite different than the one next to it. This can help to relieve boredom.


This is a brighter light pink color. It can be used to spice up a room you might otherwise paint white. Some designers now consider this as a neutral color. You can expect to see this one growing in popularity as people grow weary of the same old whites.

dark walls

Dark Hues

Dark colors have often been avoided due to the idea that they will make a room feel smaller and darker. However, when used as an accent or attention grabber, and then contrasted with a crisp white or another bright neutral color it can have the opposite effect. Rooms can look bigger and more open when the appropriate contrasting color combination is used.


Neutral colors have always been used when you don’t want people to notice the walls. White is the classic favorite. Beige and various off-whites have also been popular. Neutrals can be paired with almost any other color. They are the perfect background for accents or splashes of color that are intended to draw the attention of viewers. New neutrals to consider would feel a little bit warmer with yellow or pink overtones.

Chalky White

Rather than the usual stark white why not try one like chalky white that has a matte finish to it. The softer and more inviting feel will add a historic charm to white walls that might otherwise feel kind of harsh.

camel colored walls


This tan-brown color works in many settings. Not only is it neutral, but it’s a natural color that is warm and inviting, but when used correctly can provide a blank slate upon which to develop a room’s character.

Olive Green

Another natural color that can bring a feeling of nature into a room and still provide a neutral background for your more colorful accents.

burnt orange wall

Burnt Orange

A new recruit to the neutrals, this shade provides plenty of color to offset your white or stainless steel appliances. Most folks won’t expect a burnt orange room, but that’s half the fun. This is a great color to use if you are going for moody hues that are different in each room of the house.

Hire Excellent Painters

There is much to be said for painting your interior rooms on your own. However, if you are in a hurry or don’t want to learn a lot of new skills or worry about spending half your time cleaning up paint spills or splatters that always seem to get into the worst spots, then you should consider hiring professional painters to handle the job. They already have all the ladders, brushes, rollers and other equipment they will need. Plus, they know the correct ways to use them. They understand all about prep, from cleaning the walls to taping off the trim. Our favorite is Excellent Painters in Denver, Colorado. They know how to paint your home correctly and quickly and using whatever colors your heart desires.

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